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Keeping your lawn cut properly not only helps to ensure growth but it also keeps your property looking sharp throughout the summer season. Here are some key notes about our regular lawn maintenance services:

- Lawn maintenance services usually begin at the beginning of May (weather dependant) and finish in October. All services include a cut of the lawn and a thorough trim of the edges. Lawn mowing directionality will be rotated to produce a consistent uniform cut. 

- All weekly services include complementary bagging and disposal of the lawn clippings. If you want your lawn clippings mulched back into the lawn that is okay too! All of our high-end residential mowers are equipped to mulch and restore your lawn clippings as well. All lawn clippings are composted at City of Calgary compost facilities. We always finish each service by blowing off your driveway and walkways to ensure no lawn clippings or debris is left behind.

- Services can either be performed on a weekly basis, bi-weekly basis, or for holiday service. We always recommend weekly service during our main growing months of May, June, July, and August, however bi-weekly service may be appropriate for your properties individual needs. Properties that receive regular watering and fertilizer applications will likely need weekly service for the entire season. 

-We currently service inner-city residences and small commercial buildings, as well as acreages up to 4 acres in total size.



Coring aeration gives grass roots the ability to start growing stronger in the spring season by allowing additional nutrient particles and water to reach the roots more easily, thus enabling root expansion. Aeration is recommended at the start of the season on lawns that have difficulty getting going at the start of the growing season, or for any lawn to ensure hardy growth. New grass seed and fertilizer can fill the holes created through aeration which creates a thicker and healthier lawn, with less weeds! Aeration is commonly performed after power raking on lawns with lawn debris. Spring property cleanups usually take place in late-April (weather dependant). 

*Aeration can be adding to power raking service at a reduced rate!

Please see the price list page for our complete residential and acreage price grid and additional details. 



Power Dethatching service, also called Power Raking, helps the lawn grow by removing old surface thatch and dead materials that are inhibiting growth. This layer of lawn debris prevents water and other nutrients from reaching the soil, thus slowing new growth at the start of the season. In Calgary power raking can give your lawn a big advantage, as our winters escalate thatch and lawn debris build-up. Power Raking is commonly paired with overseeding service and aeration service, as after power raking new grass seed can fill in spots where old organic material was to prevent weeds from filling in this space. Power Raking is recommended on lawns that have a hazy brown colour throughout the lawn in the early growing season. It is normal to have a brown lawn at the start of the season, but if the lawn is growing in patchy this usually is a tell-tale sign of lawn debris. Spring property cleanups usually take place in late-April (weather dependant). 

*Aeration can be adding to power raking service at a reduced rate!

Please see the price list page for our complete residential and acreage price grid and additional details. 



Fertilization helps to ensure your lawn has the right nutrient balance throughout the different periods of time and temperature during the summer. Different fertilizers have different chemical makeups which each aim at boosting a specific component of your lawn. Our team will assess your lawn and always choose the best fertilizer for your lawn based on seasonality. All fertilization packages include four applications of premium professional-grade fertilizer per year, including an application in the fall. We don't use hardware store fertilizers. Our premium fertilizers are purchased in bulk from professional landscape supply and agricultural supply facilities. If requested, our fertilization packages can also include unlimited spot weed control treatments for your lawn and for weeds that may pop up between your sidewalk blocks and walkways. Our packages are 100% guaranteed meaning, if weeds do not perish at first application, we will keep trying until they do!

In addition to lawn fertilization, we offer tree and shrub fertilization packages as well with two applications per year. Fertilizing your trees and shrubs will prevent them from drying out, it will help keep leaves and conifers well nourished, as well as boost annual growth! Packages start at only $5.00/shrub or tree for the full season.



Whether it is spring or fall our team will make sure seasonal debris is removed form your property. In the spring, this mainly includes perennial plant debris and residual leaves from your garden beds and tree wells. In the fall, this mainly constitutes leaf and branch debris. All garden bed debris removal services are billed hourly and include all disposal fees in the hourly rate. No surprise bagging or disposal charges! 



Our residential landscaping services primarily include "softscaping" work and landscape maintenance work, as well as small landscape design projects. This includes new mulch and rock installations, natural stone patios, sod installationsartificial turf work, tree and shrub planting, and small tree removal. Our work also includes installing chain link or low profile metal dog run fencing. Pricing varies by project. If you would like to get more information on our work, or request a quote, please get in touch and we will promptly reply. Photos of additional completed landscaping projects can be seen on the gallery page. 

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Maintaining your garden beds properly is key to ensure the health and development of the plants living inside the beds. Whether it is removing weeds, adding fresh mulch, or removing invasive or unwanted growth, we can certainly take care of your garden bed needs. Please get in touch for more accurate pricing on larger garden bed maintenance projects. 

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